inannabelle’s diary

News about the fight against sex dolls

It's called Real Doll in Korea and it's a bit difficult to explain so I'll leave it to you to make up your own mind but it seems that over 200,000 people in Korea have applied for a ban on selling these realistic FJ Doll .

News details

The controversy surrounding the RealDoll has increased following a Supreme Court ruling on the import license for the "RealDoll," which mimics the female body. Although sales and requests to buy RealDoll have increased since the June ruling, the women's group insists that "RealDoll's very existence constitutes a violation of women's privacy rights." Lee Sang-jin, a representative of Pull-Pull, the importer and distributor of RealDolls. com 13 said in a phone call to The Nation that "requests to buy mini sex dolls are being swamped by the Supreme Court ruling and have the effect of noise marketing".

Critics continue to claim that buying real dolls promotes sexual objectification and violates women's personal rights. An activist at the Korean Women's People's Association Sexual Violence Advice Center said, "RealDoll is a culture of misogyny. In this culture, women are only seen as objects for the satisfaction of men's sexual desires.” The activist also said RealDoll is a tool that can take away some of the isolation men feel. He said: "If you want to heal loneliness, you have to build a relationship that communicates, not a doll. It's a logical leap of faith."

As a result, the Korean Supreme Court issued a ruling in June this year that allowed the importation of Ai Robot Sex Doll, which human rights activists see as a violation of women's human rights. If you want to heal loneliness, you can connect with people. The news is that you insist it's good and you're against it. I don't know much, but I don't think it's possible to heal men's sexuality through communication.

American Dolls

Are sex dolls bad for women's independence?

So there is a man's opinion why he should be stopped by female defenders and give the defenders a real male puppet.

I really don't understand why JY Doll  has a human rights issue. I checked and found out that the RealDoll is now really realistic and can look like a female artist but if you want her to look good you need to measure the size. It's not that easy because you have to shoot with a 360° camera.

I usually think about it. As far as rights go, I don't know if this will be a big commercial enemy for silicone sex dolls. Well, I think these are just people using women's bodies as weapons in their businesses, but the Korean Women's Friendship Association Sexual Violence Advice Center is protecting these people's rights on their behalf. And when over 200,000 Koreans petition against importing RealDoll and consider RealDoll as a business enemy, that's another ridiculous country in my opinion.

American Sex Doll

I would like to know that as a woman I am a bit upset when I am told that Love Doll violates women's right to privacy rights. I think that Real Doll can only satisfy men's sexual desires, but this is not a violation of women's human rights, but a disparagement and prejudice against women. I do not believe that.